Yitzhak Navon
Educational Institutions Named for Yitzhak Navon
Community of Schools Named for Yitzhak Navon
The Center intends to found a community of schools named for Yitzhak Navon that will lay the foundations for a Navon-esque dialogue of tolerance and respepct on Israeli society, closing social gaps, and shaping the country’s character, inspired by Navon’s values and giving voice to all cultures and equality of opportunity all individuals. As part of this initiative, the Center will offer those educational institutions a wide range of contents and activities to realize Navon’s vision: mediation courses for youths; making Navon’s writing to schoolchildren accessible through age-appropriate adaptation; and extramural activities between and among schools to promote openness and tolerance.
Yitzhak Navon Gymnasium, Holon – junior and high school (grades 7 to 12), headed by Mr. Uri Les
- 2 Getzel Kressel St., Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Holon
- +972 (0)3-552-9563
- https://www.navon-g.co.il

Yitzhak Navon Educational Home – an elementary school headed by Ms. Avigail Mazor
- 9 Har Kna'an St., Rehovot
- +972 (0)8-663-5009
- http://www.navon.rehovot.org.il

Yitzhak Navon Tali School, Hod HaSharon – a public elementary and middle school (grades 1 to 9), headed by Ms. Michal Rubin
- 4 Golomb St., Ramat HaSharon
- +972 (0)9-743-4243
- http://www.talihh.edu1.org.il

Yitzhak Navon School of Mazkeret Batya – a growing elementary school in Mazkeret Batya, headed by Ms. Ariella Harpaz
- 2 Isadora Duncan St., Mazkeret Batya
- +972 (0)8-934-8147
- http://www.navonmb.edu1.org.il/BRPortal/br/P100.jsp

Yitzhak Navon Arts & Science School in Yokne’am – an elementary school in Yokne’am’s Sha’ar Haguy neighborhood, headed by Ms. Shoshi Ben Yossef
- 11 Haguy St., Yokne'am Illit
- +972 (0)4-662-0963
- sites.google.com/ynavon.tzafonet.org.il/homapage/home

Yitzhak Navon School for the Gifted in Lod, headed by Mr. Meni Matalon
The school was founded for musically gifted children and honors students from Lod and the surrounding areas. The program offers solo, chamber ensemble, and orchestral classes to all the children in the school.
- 9 Eliezer Kaplan St., Lod
- +972 (0)8-927-9023
- http://www.lodms.lodedu.org.il

Yitzhak Navon Comprehensive 13 School in Rishon Letzion – a growing middle and high school headed by Ms. Sharon Shmuel
- 8 Grinshpan St., Rishon Letzion
- +972 (0)3-632-7778
- http://www.makifyg.rlz.org.il/BRPortal/br/P100.jsp

Yitzhak Navon School in Petah Tikva – an elementary school headed by Ms. Rachel Adri-Tsadik
- 2 Tishon Letzion St., Petah Tikva
- +972 (0)3-969-7899
- navon.tik-tak.net

Yitzhak Navon Comprehesive Darca School in Netivot, headed by Mr. Yossi Abergil
- P.O. Box 332, Kiryat Menahem, Netivot 913
- +972 (0)8-993-3657/8
- http://www.darcanetivot.edu1.org.il/BRPortal/br/P100.jsp

Yitzhak Navon Elementary School in Bene Atarot, headed by Ms. Vered Biali
- 5 Halapid St., Shoham
- +972 (0)3-971-2505
- http://beneatarot.tikshuv.org/

Yitzhak Navon Municipal High School 5 in Modi’in, headed my Ms. Liat Appelbaum
- 57 Avnei Hoshen St., Modi'in
- +972 (0)8-859-2451
- https://www.facebook.com/Ironih/

Yitzhak Navon Cultures and Languages School in Beit Shemesh, headed by Ms. Noga Mor
- 26 Hageffen St,. Beit Shemesh
- +972 (0)2-991-7252
- https://sites.google.com/site/safotbs/

Navon School in Kiryat Motzkin, a growing elementary school with an arts and languages focus, headed by Ms. Etti Appriat The school opened its doors in the 2016–2017 school year.
- 4 Shai Agnon St., Kiryat Motzkin
- +972 (0)4-641-3673
- navonmozkin@gmail.com

Yitzhak Navon School – a growing elementary school (South Sharon Regional Council), headed by Ms. Sharon Braunstein
- 10 Nahal Tzalmon St., Tzur Yitzhak
- +972 (0)3-695-9260
- tznavonschool@gmail.com

Yitzhak Navon Comprehensive 11 School (Ashdod Municipality), headed by Ms. Livnat Zik
- 1 Shoham St., Ashdod
- +972 (0)8-859-3085
- http://www.makifya.edu2.org.il

Yitzhak Navon School (Be’er Sheva Municipality), headed by Ms. Paz Arbeli-Baruch
- 33 Yossef Burg St., Be'er Sheva
- +972 (0)8-682-2165
- navonbeer7@gmail.com

Tali-Navon Geulim Elementary School headed by Ms. Dana Gershon
- Kibbutz Galuyot St, Jerusalem
- 02-6733879
- http://www.geulim.manhi.org.il

Navon Gan Raveh School ( Gan Ravah Regional Council) headed by Ms. Galit Asa
- Ayanot Youth Village
- 08-9406267
- http://ganrave.tikshuv.org

Campus of the Arts- Yitzhak Navon at Dora headed by Ms. Efrat Daniel
- Shmuel A 1 - Netanya
- 09-7793542
- https://dora-arts.tik-tak.net/

Navon Elementary School ( Herzyliya) headed by Ms. Shirley Rosman
- 31 Alterman, Herzliya
- 09-7877200
- office.Yesodi.Navon@gmail.com

Navon Elementary School in Carmit headed by Ms. Irit Cohen
- Carmit Blvd. 1, Meitar
- 08-9406267
- .
Navon Junior and High School (6 years) headed by Ms. Oranit Shani
- 6 Dugit St., Yavne
- 08-6184082
- .https://navon-school.co.il/

Commemoration in Educational Institutions
The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, Givat Ram Campus, Jerusalem
- The Navon Auditorium – the music school’s main concert hall – is used for many events, including the school’s concerts and musical performances. The 220-seat auditorium was named for Yitzhak Navon in his lifetime, honoring the request of donors Yunis and Suraya Naziran.
- The Unit for Community Involvement, named for Yitzhak Navon, is comprised of Academy students who engage children and adults in Israel’s social periphery by teaching them music and dance. https://www.jamd.ac.il/community

The Yitzhak Navon Technological Campus, Reshet Atid, Ma’alot Tarshiha
A campus for advanced technological studies is planned for Ma’alot Tarshiha. It will include a school, college, and regional tech center to educate high-caliber tech professionals for the area’s existing and emerging industries.

The Yitzhak Navon Campus for International Education
A Jewish National Fund project, the campus is currently under construction in Yitzhak Navon National Park (formerly Tzippori).

Winter Symphony
A concert in memory of Israel’s fifth president, Yitzhak Navon