Yitzhak Navon
Board of Directors

When my dear father passed away, the word “legacy” acquired a whole new meaning. No longer a mere summary of a man’s life, it became an attempt to grant his actions eternal life and draw on them in our search for purpose and hope for the future. I approached this task with a sense of mission. First, out of great love and desire, and because I felt it is what he deserved. But then, the deeper I dug into his teaching, the more I realized that we, the Israeli people, deserve it too.
The Navon-inspired discourse is more relevant to us than ever, in the way it addresses questions of society and inequality and aspires to shape us as a nation. It sparks a conversation in which “model society” and “a light unto the nations” are more than lofty platitudes: they are a discourse that brings diverse cultures together and ensures equality to one and all. In light of these feelings, and out of a desire to see my father’s work live on for decades to come, I chose to found the Association.
I hold a BA in Law and Business Management from the Hebrew University and an MBA from the joint program of Tel Aviv University and the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. Upon graduation I worked as an assistant to industrialist Stef Wertheimer. For the past decade, I have worked in real estate development through a company I own.
- erez@terra-ri.com