Yitzhak Navon
"Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness" (Deuteronomy 8:2)
“We must remind ourselves and the younger generation of the personal and social morality, purity of heart, and humility that defined our nation in its early years… This is the right way to raise the next generation of young, confident leaders.
Yitzhak Navon “All the Way”
The Yitzhak Navon Archives are under construction and nearing completion. The archives are digital and will be linked to the Center’s website to allow public access online. Until the Navon Archives are published, the National Archives’ Yitzhak Navon file offers a wide range of materials for public use.
The full archives will contain a variety of items, such as photographs, original documents, audio and video clips, news clippings, speeches, writings, original manuscripts, personal artifacts, and invaluable information on the Navon-Ben Atar family history. These items tell the story of the life and times of Yitzhak Navon, who served the nation and people of Israel in many political and public positions for more than seven decades.
Founded in 2012, the Navon Archives contain the following:
- A historical archive – Yitzhak Navon’s personal archive shedding light on the work, life, history, character, and philosophy of the state’s fifth president
- A commemoration archive – documenting the Center’s commemoration projects
The archives contain about 4,000 entries , including:
- A collection of documents and speeches, most of which are scanned and catalogued
- A collection of about 10,000 photographs, most of which are scanned and catalogued
- An audiovisual collection of about 1,800 audio and video clips, mainly from the Israel Broadcasting Authority’s archives Our entire audiovisual collection is digitized and available via the Center’s computers.
- Press clippings – an extensive collection, featuring articles and reports in several languages – Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, and English, among others – most of which are scanned and catalogued
- A collection of medals and museum artifacts – approximately 500 items, including Navon’s personal belongings, souvenirs, portraits, and more
The Archives Director is Talma Harpaz Gilboa.
We, the archives’ staff, are happy to provide archival services to the public at large and to political, cultural, educational, and archival bodies and institutions.
Opening hours: Sun.–Thu. 9AM–1PM. By appointment only.
The Navon Archives occasionally posts calendar events, news items, or general interest content on its Facebook page. Follow us at The Yitzhak Navon Archives.
We are at your service!
- Telephone: +972(0)73-390-4076
- Fax: +972(0)73-390-4080
- E-mail: archive@navon-center.org.il
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